www.BePreparedYuba.org (Click on the “Stay Connected” button at the bottom of the webpage to sign up for alerts)
Twitter @YubaCounty
Yuba County Office of Emergency Services (530) 749-7520
Sutter County:
www.BePreparedSutter.org (Click on the “Nixle” button at the bottom of the webpage to sign up for alerts)
Twitter @CountyofSutter
Sutter County Office of Emergency Services (530) 822-4988 and (530) 822-7556
All Yuba/Sutter residents can text their zip code to Nixel number 888777 to receive emergency notifications associated with the zip code provided. Do this by typing the six-digit number (888777) into the text address and type the zip code into the message. After sending a text, you should receive a notification indicating a successful link.
02/17/2017 — Road Information: 800-427-7623 is an automated system that allows the dialer to punch in multiple highway numbers in succession to find out if there any obstacles like flooding or closures.