Peach Tree’s Happy Toothmobile featured in Appeal Democrat
By Leticia Guiterrez from Appeal Democrat: 6/19/17, Pg A2
“The thought of a trip to the dentist can be scary, but children’s smiles break out when the Happy Toothmobile shows up at a school in Yuba County.
“We’re like rock stars,” said Ronda Bowers, dental program coordinator with the Marysville Joint Unified School District Student Services, with a laugh, “When the Toothmobile rolls up, they love it.”
The mobile dental clinic, a Medi-Cal program that covers all children’s dental needs, provides screenings, cleanings and restorative treatment for children to age 18 years during its months-long stops at various schools in the county throughout the year.”
Please click here to read the full article.
You can contact Peach Tree for our Happy Toothmobile and all our dental services at (530) 749-3242.