Yuba County Public Health to Host Community Health Forums

Health in Yuba County

Health is an important factor in any community. But what are the biggest issues faced by Yuba County residents? In a recent survey conducted 48.2% of community respondents felt illegal drug use was a top concern alongside homelessness (36.5%) and obesity (25.6%). In Yuba County, 31.7% of children live in poverty and 24.8% of residents are obese. These are just a few factors that impact the health and quality of life of Yuba County residents.

Our Mission

We have collected the data and want to share the findings with you. We need to hear from residents far and wide about their own experiences and perspectives.

Your Vision

Join the conversation at one of the scheduled community forums listed below to tell us what health concerns you want prioritized in Yuba County. RSVP to ttomlinson@co.yuba.ca.us or (530) 749-6753

July 10th
5:30 PM – 7:30 PM
Yuba County Health and Human Services
5730 Packard Ave, Ste 100
Marysville, CA 95901
Yuba River Room

July 11th
8:00 AM – 10:00 AM
The Alcouffe Center
9185 Marysville Rd
Oregon House, CA 95962

July 11th
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Yuba County Government Center
915 8th St
Marysville, CA 95901
Wheatland Room




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